The truth is: if you have…
(a) a sprawling IT estate with a mix of cloud and on-premises storage/applications that aren’t practical or cost-effective to consolidate into your Microsoft environment
(b) particularly complex compliance requirements
… specialist solutions have a lot to offer.
A very cost-effective entry point for your compliance journey.
A readily available shortcut to address known compliance shortfalls while working through a more comprehensive compliance programme in the background.
That second point is also relevant for organisations that are readying to bring a specialist compliance tool into play. Being able to shore up vulnerabilities in your Microsoft environment while simultaneously heading down the longer and more complex specialty compliance pathway is not an opportunity to be overlooked.
Let’s also not forget that, while Microsoft Purview isn’t a standalone specialist compliance tool, it does offer some extraordinarily sophisticated capabilities within the Microsoft environment. It’s far from the poor cousin third-party solutions would have us believe, even if it doesn’t (yet) have quite the same data source reach as its more egalitarian counterparts.