
Compliance should be managed as a programme, not a project – here’s why

Compliance can be a daunting prospect for organisations for a number of reasons. One of the most common is the fact that it’s virtually impossible to encapsulate compliance in a single project with a clear start point, end point, and business case.

The truth is compliance isn’t really a project at all. It’s much more of a programme of inter-related workstreams. Getting it right means co-ordinating a variety of different voices and viewpoints from stakeholders across the business. That can make for a somewhat convoluted process (particularly when it comes to building a business case) and leaves timelines at the mercy of the availability of the right people at the right time.

But that doesn’t mean compliance has to be an uphill battle.

The key to success, in our experience, lies in letting go of the idea of isolated compliance projects and embracing the concept of a systematic compliance programme with solid programme management.

What does compliance programme management look like?

Our particular approach to compliance programme management (otherwise known as our Compliance Accelerator Programme) rests on two, very important pillars:

  • The Programme Manager: Responsible for overseeing the compliance programme, keeping progress on track, and coordinating regular meetings according to a predefined rhythm (typically monthly.).
  • The Compliance Panel: A steering committee led by Cloud Essentials experts in conjunction with key business stakeholders, tasked with strategic decision-making during structured monthly meetings.
  • Ongoing management: Proactive monitoring, administration and meaningful reporting; 3rd tier support against a RACI accountability framework.

Workstreams follow our established steering panel programme which runs over an initial 12-month period. This focusses on:

  • Defining programme goals and initiatives
  • Aligning and planning workstream release plans
  • Third party management
  • RAID log reviews (risks, assumptions, issues and dependencies)
  • Status reporting
  • Escalation management

We use Waterfall methodology for comprehensive planning, sequential flows and flexibility, and invest heavily in project initiation to ensure robust foundations for smoother progress. We provide clear dashboards communicating milestones, phases, tasks, timelines, and responsibilities, and use RAID logs, tracking systems and proven remediation processes. 

We’ve also perfected the optimal rhythm of meetings to drive sustainable progress while minimising the time implications for senior stakeholders. Our experts provide on-the-spot advice and education, ensuring decisions are made from a position of informed understanding. All programme and progress details are also documented and made available through the most convenient collaboration platforms and communications channels.

The benefits of using Cloud Essentials’ programme management

The Cloud Essentials Compliance Accelerator Programme brings together a multi-disciplinary team to set up and drive your compliance programme. The goal is to help you achieve a progressively higher level of compliance maturity using Microsoft 365 technology. Our tools, skills and methodology have proven to be more than up to this challenge. 

Utilising, Cloud Essentials’ programme management, is about more than just accessing our particular brand of compliance expertise. There is also great value in having an external voice able to overcome internal politics with objective insights, facilitating high quality conversations that deliver well-reasoned decisions.

Ultimately, our programme managers help to remove the common roadblocks preventing compliance progress, bringing cohesion to your compliance efforts, and driving sustainable advancement along a more strategic pathway.

The results include:

Better communication and collaboration

Our programme managers are trained to integrate into the team doing the day-to-day work, using this hands-on knowledge not only to drive progress and overcome roadblocks, but also facilitate high quality discussions with stakeholders and the wider project team. This enables faster, more informed and more effective decision-making.

More successful adoption of technology and change

We don’t only focus on compliance technology. We also factor people and change management into every roadmap and deployment. This increases the successful adoption of new tools and processes and strengthens the compliance culture of your organisation – an essential component of sustainable compliance.

Higher productivity and performance

By creating and following a strategic roadmap, our programme managers are able to streamline compliance workflows to avoid bottlenecks and roadblocks and drive timely decision-making to maintain momentum and optimise productivity.

More consistent strategic alignment

Roadmaps are regularly updated in conjunction with stakeholders to ensure ongoing alignment of plans, progress, and organisational goals.

More proactive risk mitigation

Between our RAID logs, extensive experience, and proactive communication around the impact of stakeholder decisions, our teams are often able identify and mitigate risks much earlier than otherwise possible.

More effective stakeholder engagement

Our programme managers and compliance panellists are not just great at getting the right people together for effective decision-making. They’re also experts at maintaining stakeholder engagement beyond the initial flurry of activity.  With our help, you can be confident that all voices will be heard at the right time, and that the resulting decisions will not be called into question, because all the right people were in the room and actively involved in their making. Learn more about Cloud Essentials’ general compliance services, or explore the details of our Compliance Accelerator Programme.
The only way to really know if we’re a good fit is to get in touch, so let’s have a chat! One of our friendly experts will get straight back to you. You never know, this could be the beginning of a great partnership.
Cape Town